"I love this little card trick so much. The four cards go everywhere with me in my wallet, and I have the ability to fool everyone. Highly recommended." - John V
This best-seller was finally made with the Bicycle cards by USPCC!
You hold three cards fanned in your hand, and three are on the table. Pick up the first card from the table, and add it to his fan, showing how all the cards have a blank face. Now swap the card that you have just picked up with another one from the table, and suddenly all four cards in your hand are now four aces!
But that’s not all because just by swapping one of the aces with the last card on the table, incredibly, the four cards in your hand now change to four kings!
In a rapid succession of effects, each card transforms almost visibly. It's a real fooler you can carry anywhere and fools everyone.
Super simple to do with full instructions. If you can hold cards in your hand, you CAN do this trick perfectly. A best seller in the magic shop for good reason.