Small Tricks for Christmas Crackers
£11.99| /Gozinta - Coin 2 Glass
Here's a baffling coin trick that's so easy to do it shouldn't be allowed! For years, Houdini perfected techniques to escape from impossible loc...
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£11.99| /The Little Brass Bolt
This is SO MUCH FUN. It's always in my pocket. It blows away everyone I show it too. I'm no good at sleight of hand, so having the bolt be automati...
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Original price £12.99Current price £10.39| /Magnet Mystery
PLEASE NOTE; We only have 37 sets left at the discounted price. After they sell out, the price will revert back to full price. 10/10 I've driven...
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£11.99| /Nut Possible
‘10/10 Simple, clean and easy magic with an everyday object. I do this under the table, whenever I’m at a restaurant and it fools everyone. Highly ...
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£6.99| /Impossible Hole
"So much fun to perform. It's as easy as can be, yet it fools everyone. The best bit of 'carry everywhere' magic I've picked up in a long time. Hig...
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£3.49| /Vanishing Silk
EFFECT: A small silk handkerchief vanishes in the conjurer's hands without leaving any trace of it. The opposite effect is also possible: after you...
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£14.99| /The Brass Ring Mystery
"I've had so much fun with this! It's self-working and fools everyone. I've had a friend spend over an hour trying to work this out... He still doe...
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£3.99| /The Magic Sword Illusion
An amazing pocket illusion!This classic solid-through-solid effect makes for a the perfect pocket trick - insert the sword through the hole, and wa...
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£12.99| /The Little Dice Prison
"This little box will fool everyone you know. It still fools me, and I know how it's done! It's so much fun and probably the best bit of magic ...
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£2.99| /Coin Escape Puzzle by Uday
A coin is placed into the slot in the plastic disc. Ask someone to remove it. They will wont be able to do it and within seconds you have the coin ...
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£2.49| /Incredible Reverse by Vincenzo Di Fatta
Five face down cards are shown. Three are taken out, and then put back in their places face up. The face up cards are seen to be alternated with fa...
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£7.49| /Three Shell Game by Verne
The Vernet Shells are perfectly balanced, made of unbreakable plastic and the inner surface is curved to allow easier manipulation of the special p...
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£3.49| /Silk Poke Vanisher by Goshman
The magician shows both of his hands empty and removes an 18" silk handkerchief. He pushes the silk into his closed fist with the aid of a pencil...
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£2.49| /Penetrating Rope
Magician holds the rope tied around the stick, and when the magician pulls the rope it penetrates the stick! Easy to do No skills needed Anyone ...
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£2.99| /Wonder Worm
This fuzzy toy worm comes to life in your hands! Amazing lifelike movements! Amazing! Hours of Fun! You can take it everywhere, it's a dream com...
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£4.99| /Linking Key Puzzle
A real puzzler!! Show a pair of keys that are linked together. Your spectator will try and try to separate them, with no luck at all. Then you take...
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£9.99| /Haunted Handkerchief
With the Haunted Handkerchief, you start by showing a normal handkerchief. Next, you fold the corners of the handkerchief. Everything seems normal...
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£2.49| /Buddha Papers Mystery by Mr Magic
This is a classic table trick, Buddha Papers Mystery you should find it useful when performing for only a few spectators.Effect:The performer place...
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£9.99| /Spiker Box
SPIKER is a classic magic trick where the impossible happens right in front of their eyes!EFFECT:In this version, You perform the classic illusion ...
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£3.49| /Jumping Gems
Show a plain black plastic stick. With a quick motion, a glittering gem appears on the front side, while the back is still blank. With another wave...
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£9.99| /In and Out Boxes
EFFECT: In and Out Boxes is an amazing, self-working illusion that will boggle the minds of everyone who sees you perform it. You start by showing...
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£4.49| /Rope with Four Ends
Display two pieces of rope. Stretch your hands as the two pieces magically form into one large rope. Next, show the rope has magically changed to h...
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£1.99| /Snapper by Mr. Magic - Trick
This is a classic that has stood the test of time! Show your spectator a device whereby you insert a plunger into a tube and catch a rubber band on...
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£2.99| /Coin Vanishing Pedestal by Uday
The magician places a borrowed quarter onto a small pedestal and covers it with a cap. When he lifts the cap the coin has vanished! He places the c...
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