Troy Magic Tricks
£92.49| /Rise by Sean Scott
Rise Instantly restore a crushed Soda Can - Performed on worldwide TV by pro’s such as Dynamo & Troy Rise by Sean Scott shocked spectators as...
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£23.49| /Lightning by Chris Smith
With Lightning, you'll be prepared to make a light bulb spontaneously LIGHT - blurring the lines between science and the supernatural.The light bul...
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£64.99| /Big Bang by Chris Smith
Big Bang is the ultimate exploding light bulb.As of June 2009, we're happy to release the latest version of this heart-stopping effect. Additionall...
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£18.49| /Healed And Sealed 2.0 by Anders Moden - DVD
An empty and crushed can of soda magically restores and refills before the eyes of the spectators. Impossible to improve? Here's the 2.0 version o...
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£35.99| /Deceptus - By Jimmy Strange and The Merchant of Magic
It's time to stop thinking outside the box, and start thinking inside the can! As performed on TV by Dynamo Magician Impossible Deceptus ...
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£92.49| /EVP by Alan Rorrison
"EVP is a genius idea and can be applied in more than one way.... I had to have it on my show!" - Troy "This is the only thing I have ever (and ...
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£32.49| /Frea-capped (DVD and Gimmicks) by Kieron Johnson
Frea-capped - The Ultimate Sharpie Utility Pen for MagiciansAs Performed by Magician Troy on TV Freacapped is an ingenious gimmicked Sharpie mar...
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£27.99| /Hide & Seek by James Brown and RSVP Magic - DVD
Welcome to James Brown's 'Hide & Seek', a superb collection of routines using James' version of an old page page idea. Playing Cards, Credit Ca...
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£22.99| /Crack by Joke Magie
Effect: The Magician offers to cleans a spectator's glasses. Suddenly the frame breaks while cleaning them. No worries!...using a little magical bl...
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£22.99| /The Little Things Vol. 1 by Alan Rorrison - DVD
Hello and welcome to the little things volume 1. In this DVD set Alan is offering some his most visual, hard hitting pet effects. On Volume 1 you...
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