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The Derren Brown Lecture DVD

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 By Derren Brown

Regarded as one of the most important thinkers in the world of close-up magic and mentalism, and also one of the most popular mind readers on UK television.  Derren bown gives forty-five minutes of extreme mind-reading and close-up hypnosis.
Volunteers are knocked into trance-states, accomplishing bizarre psychological connections with one another in some head wasting magic tricks that are now acquiring Derren a huge level of popularity. The preceding effects are achieved:

LIFT: A spectator's arm is frozen. Controlled remotely, by the will of another spectator.

PLEROPHORIA: A deck of playing cards is completely shuffled by a spectator yet Derren, while facing the other way, names each playing card in turn.

SMOKE: An amazing magic trick, where a playing card that has simply been thought of by a spectator, is first named by Derren Brown then vanishes from an untouched deck of playing cards only to impossibly appear ... well, wait and see.

COIN READING AND BENDING: The date and denomination of a spectators coin, unseen and untouched by Derren, is identified. Then slowly it becomes bent at the will of another volunteer.

REMINISCENCE: A hypnotised spectator merely thinks of a memory, a number and a picture. All are then perfectly described in immense detail by both Derren and audience members. This mind-blowing routine is Derren at his very best.

The show is followed by a full explanation of Plerophoria and tuition in mentally forcing an imaginary playing card, plus some extremely important discussion on presentation techniques for magic. Derren then goes on to teach his philosophy of 'Invisible Compromise'. An immensely useful DVD for both complete beginners and professional mentalist.