Stand Up Coin Magic - By Nathan Kranzo - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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A new film featuring coin effects designed to be performed for larger groups and better visibility.
In this new video download, Kranzo gets away from the tired old coin effect performed at waist level. Hold your coins high and come along for a great ride. All the routines are performed standing. All the routines are WILDLY visual.
Wish Paper
A flashy (no pun intended) way to produce your coins. The last coin
will surprise them EVERY time. Nathan also teaches his versatile Index Finger Shuttle Pass.
Cashing In
Cash in your Casino Chips for real money instantly! Features a bare
hand production that will fool them all.
Will The Kort Please Rise
A stand up version of Milt Kort's classic coins through table routine.
Kranzo adds an extra element that looks like real magic.
When a table is not around push the coins through flesh and bone! We
predict this coin through hand routine will be the most talked about
coin effect of the film!
Guess Which Hand
The presentation of "Guess which hand" is something EVERYONE can
relate to. What a clever and magical way to draw someone into your
You'll have to see this to believe it. Coins turn into snacks! You
will never perform on an empty stomach again!
The Tail
Heads or tails? A question that appeals to everyone. This hilarious
effect always gets a roar of laughter.
Four of these routines use nothing more than a regular expanded shell. Three routines use no gimmicks at all!