Sight - By Dee Christopher - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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Sight is a perfect 'carry around with you everywhere' mind reading magic trick. One single card will allow you to perform an amazing mind reading trick with the premise of remote viewing. You show a laminated horror movie card that lists 10 horror movies.
You ask the spectator to choose one of the movies and to stare at it. You begin to call out letters in the name of the movie, sometimes you name a couple, sometimes only one, it varies. What is always consistant is that you can name the full title of the movie BEFORE they tell ANYONE what they are thinking of. Nothing is written down or said to anyone, there are no forces, this mind reading magic trick really feels like true mentalism!
Points to remember:
There are no forces. Nothing is ever written down. Perfect for those 'impromptu' performances. |
Only the Sight Card is needed. They can choose a different film each time. Simple yet devious method. |
Sight really is something you can carry around in your wallet and be ready to go at a moments notice, the perfect magic trick for those occasions when you have 'nothing on you'! You get full instructions and the card images to print out at home.