Rose By Fraser Parker - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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ROSE continues the simple, bold and beautiful approach found in Fraser's Limited Edition work False Messiah.
Fraser is now sharing, for the first time outside of his close circle of friends, his most up to date arrangement for guessing names and star signs completely prop-less.
You say a few lines of scripting and you are able to instantly divine practically anything the spectator is thinking of. Method and effect work seamlessly together to create a bold and beautiful deception that relies on fooling those who you perform for via perception.
NO naming of letters, anagrams or running through the letters of the alphabet. They give you a few characteristics or personality traits of the person they are thinking of and you are able to instantly divine thought of names and star signs with literally nothing more than a few seconds of scripting. It is the most compact, elegant and streamlined solution to date.
This is NOT the same method taught in False Messiah. If you already have his ground-breaking Limited Edition book then you will definitely want this latest variation on the prop-less name guess and star sign reveal – even if you don't already own what came previously you will still want to get this in order to stay ahead of what everyone else is doing.
“ROSE is the best method I've seen to date to divine thought of letters. It is direct, deceptive, easy and reliable. I cannot recommend it highly enough.” Ross Tayler
"Magic and Mentalism friends! So after jamming with Fraser Parker over skype for a few hours today he had shown me his new release ‘Rose’. Rose is a completely propless way of divining a thought of name or star sign. Within a few minutes he was able to tell me what star sign I was thinking of. He done the same to me again only this time he revealed that I was thinking of his name in an effort to double bluff him and mess him up, I FAILED! This might just be the most solid name guess I have ever come across. Pure genius. Highly recommend this!"
- Mijrin Al Hajri
- Mijrin Al Hajri
The short answer: genius.
It's pure, effective, direct and bold as hell.
It's pure, effective, direct and bold as hell.
It is so clean, even I knew what's going on, I freaked out. During the Skype sessions with my good friend Fraser I recognized how great his ideas are. You will love this. You will love to work with.
You have a loaded weapon on you all of the time. That's how PURE MENTALISM has to look like. Keep on the genious devlish work bro! And all of you who read that lines, learn it, love it and get people freaked out!
- Stefan Fleischanderl - Austria
Fraser performed ROSE on me yesterday. I had mixed feelings about letting him try it on me because I tend to subconsciously be a bad spectator when it comes to propless mentalism. I tend to overthink the directions and screw it up. Fraser knows this, because he has failed on me more than once.
With some dismay, I let him try it. So, we skyped (Fraser, Jacob Smith, and I). Immediately I noticed my internet could not hold up well enough for me to participate in the video portion of the chat, so I turned it to solely voice, doubting whether or not he could do this with only verbal communication. It’s funny that when I look back on this, it all seems like total mind reading. That’s how streamlined this felt. He proceeded to read what star sign I was thinking of while I just remember naming random attributes associated with random letters thought of. He said “I know our connections bad, so don’t worry that I couldn’t hear the last bit you said” (which I believed he missed valid information that he needed for the method).
To be honest, I was ready to hear a random star sign that wasn’t mine. I was ready for him to fail on the terrible spectator that I tend to be. There’s only one thing……
He didn’t fail. Fraser said: “You’re thinking of Taurus, aren’t you?”
Not to mention at the same time Jacob had a piece of paper that had Taurus written on it in the camera. This shows how easy it was for another person to learn the skills taught within ROSE.
I was dumbfounded, spoke a few obscenities and then tried to retrace everything that happened (but I couldn’t, even with my prior knowledge from False Messiah). ROSE is something that the spectators will not be able to explain as anything other than real mind reading.
Mentalism is a labor of love and Fraser puts in so much labor that it is no surprise that the result is pure love.
Much Love.
- Patrick Riley
- Patrick Riley