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Rene Lavand Close-up Artist- #4, DVD

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René Lavand is one of the true artists in the world of Close-Up Magic. His presentations and performances have a poetic and artistic quality to them that never fail to earn standing ovations. René Lavand has achieved legendary status and is without a doubt one of the most highly skilled close-up magicians of the past century. His stature is even more amazing if you consider that he accomplishes everything using only one hand. Watching him will inspire you to strive for excellence.

The magic René Lavand performs on these DVDs is both beautiful and poetic. These are more than just tricks, they are multiphase routines accompanied by artistic presentations and wonderful stories. It is impossible to describe the beauty of René's magic. These routines must be experienced.




Routines performed and explained:

  • Cuento De La Rosa: A card is selected, signed and lost in the deck. You hand your assistant a rose as you remove your wallet from your pocket. The signed card is found in the wallet.

  • The Three Jokers: A selected card is lost in the deck. Three Jokers are removed from your pocket and shown singly. The spectator selects one of the jokers and it turns out to be the selected card.
  • The Story Of Antonio The Gypsy: A gambling routine where four aces are cut to and left on the table as you display three Spanish cards and use them for a Three Card Monte routine with a handicap. You then cut to four cards and show them to be the four aces. When the original four cards are displayed they turnout to be the four kings.

  • The Deck Is Feminine: As you deal the cards to the table the spectator decides which cards to stop at. When the cards are turned face up they are seen to be queens. Prior to finding the last queen the spectator shuffles the deck.

  • As Years Go By: Two spectators stop you at two different cards. They are shuffled into the deck. One is found by the spectator and the other by you.

  • Color Changing Deck: A red-backed deck of cards changes into a blue-backed deck, except for the freely selected card that remains red. As a finale it too changes to blue.

  • Infallible Three Card Monte: A multiphase Monte routine using three Spanish cards and a coin where the spectator has to guess under which card the coin resides. As a finale the coin is found under a previously discarded card.

  • Dancing Spots: Rene's beautiful Jumping Gems routine where a spot appears on the end of a small stick. A second stick is introduced and spots begin to appear, disappear and jump from one stick to the other.
  • Techniques taught and discussed:
    Quick Wallet Load, Turn-Over Second Deal, Fourth Deal, Turn-Over Change, Thumb Revelation and much more.

    Includes new and previously unpublished routines and the classics that René uses in his television appearances and award winning live shows. Also includes insightful interviews about René's life and magic. Hosted and simultaneously translated by Joe Hernandez. Original release date: August 2004. Running time: Approximately 75 minutes.