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Pickpocket Passport by Alan Wong & Gregory Wilson

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How many times do people check their watch or wallet when you tell them that you're a magician? Have you always wanted to learn the daring skills of a professional pickpocket but lacked the courage and confidence?

Learning to actually pick pockets takes years of study and practice, but now The Pickpocket Passport Wallet is a perfect way to kick-start that training since it does most of the work for you. You'll acquire the art and skill of personal space invasion without the apprehension of getting caught.

You explain to the audience that the most coveted personal belonging from a tourist is a passport. That said, you place your wallet (which contains cash, credit cards and the highly-prized passport) into a spectator's inside jacket or back pants pocket. You further explain that a good pickpocket can take the wallet but a great pickpocket can take what's inside the wallet, so the mark never knows what hit him. You then proceed to steal each and every article of value one at a time -- with the wallet still in their pocket!

The Pickpocket Passport Wallet is specially designed to make you look like a master thief in minutes! It's also a great way to add strong five minutes to your stage or parlour act and do what they already expect you to do -- pick someone's pocket!

So, open your wallet and add this wallet to your show immediately.

Comes complete with gimmicked wallet, fake passports and a streaming video featuring Gregory Wilson sharing one of the highlights from his professional act.