NAVY Effects Vol. 1 by Jaehoon Lim - DVD
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Finally, Jaehoon Lim was discharged from Korea's Navy!
While beginning in the Navy, Jaehoon devoted himself to the study of card color changes. Over the past two years, he has developed amazing and practical color changes.
Jaehoon is now ready to share this material in his new DVD, Navy Effects.
Navy Effects focuses on brand new and practical card color changes.
Jaehoon shows you each color change in detail with multiple video angles, slow motion video,(A,B) cards and transparent cards to make learning faster and easier.
If you love color changes, this is a DVD you must have!
Navy Effects Volume 1
[Basic Skill]
Thumb fan
Double lift
In-jog and Double cut
Secret reverse
Pinky count
Fan flip over
Riffle force
Bottom palm
[Card Color Change]
Rewind snap change
Hit change
J.H. shake change
Wink Change
Flick change
Shadow change
[Routine and Trick]
Winkey card
J.H. Red Hot Mama
Winner of the game
Color changing deck
- Gaff cards for the routines
Running time: 90 min
Learn amazing, practical, and beautiful color changes with 3 hours of explanations frominternational magician, Jaehoon Lim!
While beginning in the Navy, Jaehoon devoted himself to the study of card color changes. Over the past two years, he has developed amazing and practical color changes.
Jaehoon is now ready to share this material in his new DVD, Navy Effects.
Navy Effects focuses on brand new and practical card color changes.
Jaehoon shows you each color change in detail with multiple video angles, slow motion video,
If you love color changes, this is a DVD you must have!
Navy Effects Volume 1
[Basic Skill]
Thumb fan
Double lift
In-jog and Double cut
Secret reverse
Pinky count
Fan flip over
Riffle force
Bottom palm
[Card Color Change]
Rewind snap change
Hit change
J.H. shake change
Wink Change
Flick change
Shadow change
[Routine and Trick]
Winkey card
J.H. Red Hot Mama
Winner of the game
Color changing deck
- Gaff cards for the routines
Running time: 90 min
Learn amazing, practical, and beautiful color changes with 3 hours of explanations from