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More Commercial Magic Wagner, DVD-sale

Original price £35.99
Current price £24.99


The sequel to J.C. Wagner's runaway bestseller, "Commercial Magic," features more of the magic that made J.C.'s books sell-out and his shows and lectures so popular. Once again you get to see his direct and stunning magic live and on location in his natural environment.

Routines performed and explained:

  • Torn N' Restored Card: The outstanding routine were a signed card is torn and restored. This is the routine that inspired all the variations that finally lead to the one piece at a time restoration effects.
  • Transpojuxtaposition: Two signed selections are lost, found and then switch places in an impossible way.
  • Glass Thru Bar: A glass is wrapped with a napkin and placed over a quarter. As you attempt to make the quarter penetrate through the table the glass goes through instead.
  • Royal Detectives: The Kings are used as detectives to find a selected card. The card vanishes from between the two red kings to appear face-up in the deck between the two black kings.
  • 2 Copper-1 Silver: A copper, silver, brass coin routine where the three different coins accomplish impossible transpositions from hand to hand.
  • Omni Twist Collectors: Three selected cards magically appear between the four face up queens as you perform a twisting effect with the queens turning face up and face down.
  • Prediction Out Of This World: An impromptu Out Of This World routine where a spectator impossibly separates the reds from the blacks and turns over the packets in her hands. At the conclusion a prediction is shown to have foreseen the number of errors she made.
  • J.C.'s Fabulous Four Ace Routine: The four aces are lost in different parts of the deck and are magically found one at a time.
  • J.C. On Collins Aces: Four aces are placed in a row and covered with three cards each. Each of the aces vanishes leaving three cards in each packet. The four aces are then magically reproduced.
  • Polish Marked Deck: Two cards are selected from a blue deck. The cards are shuffled face up and face down a couple of times. When the deck is spread all the cards are facing the same way except the two selections. As a final kicker the rest of the deck is shown to have red backs.

Also taught are the many techniques used within the routines and an in-depth view at the Gambler's Cop.