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Magic Of Mark Leveridge Vol 1 (Money Magic) - DVD



For 25 years, Mark Leveridge has been a professional magician earning his living by performing, lecturing and selling his exclusive creations to the magic world through his business, Mark Leveridge Magic. Every single year during that time, Mark has produced a range of new, original ideas and products and so has amassed a solid body of work covering close-up, stand-up, mentalism and even children's effects. Because Mark is a performer, his magic usually has a commercial bias and his routines and methods are designed to be practical and workable. The effects on these DVDs reflect Mark's approach and attempt to provide all viewers with magic which they will genuinely enjoy and use in the deck with a red back!

  There can be no doubt that magic with money has a great appeal to lay audiences, and on this DVD, Mark performs and explains a wide range of routines using coins and bills. While some sleight of hand is, on occasion, required, there is nothing very difficult here. Mark prefers to reduce the handling to sensible, performable levels rather than simply include clever moves for the sake of it, and so viewers should find all the material revealed here accessible and fun to perform.
 1. PAPER MONEY - The instant transformation of a piece of blank paper into a real bill. With Mark’s version, the bill produced in this way can immediately be spent or handed out for examination. No thumb tips required! 

 2. THE OKITO AND BOSTON BOX ROUTINE - A multi-phase routine using an Okito Box in which a coin jumps in and out of the box, penetrates a deck of cards, then multiplies up to four before finally changing completely into a pile of completely different coins. A top performance piece. 

 3. BROKE - A beautiful routine which uses a couple of really great 'complete' coin vanishes which leave both your hands genuinely empty and which do not require any special extra gimmicks. Just a few regular coins and a purse required. 

 4. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION - How about a matrix using four small coins and two borrowed credit cards as covers? No sleights, no extra gimmicks, yet the coins collect one at a time under one card in the corner. A brilliantly simple idea which fools magicians, never mind lay people. 

 5. TEARAWAY - A small Post-It Note is folded round the center of a borrowed bill and the center is then torn right out! The damage can be viewed from all sides and in extreme close up—the bill must be torn. Yet moments later, it is completely restored and returned to its owner. No switches. 

 6. THE DETECTIVE COIN - A marked coin vanishes from a hand held firmly by a spectator and penetrates through a card box and down into the center of the deck where it ends up lying on the back of a signed card. Clever gimmick makes this very straightforward to do. 

 7. BEER MONEY - Two beer coasters are shown and first one coin, then another, are produced from between them. Then suddenly a large bill appears too. Ingenious method means there is no palming required and no gimmicks to ditch either. 

 8. THE ROBIN HOOD COINS ACROSS - A carefully constructed Coins Across routine set to a historical story in which, one at a time, three coins magically jump from one purse to another. No shells used; the handling is very natural looking. 

 9. ATM - A deck and its box become a portable ATM machine. The performer’s MasterCard is dropped into the box and moments later, real money appears inside, too. When the same thing is tried with a spectator’s card, it unexpectedly vanishes, only to be found in an unlikely and totally surprising place. 

 Running Time Approximately 1hr 40min