Joker Tube and Box (Large) by Mr Magic
The magician draws attention to an opaque tube resting on a black base.
The front side of the tube has three balls (red, yellow, and green from the top) printed on it. After lifting this opaque tube, the magician revealed that another tube was still resting on the stand. This tube is smaller and transparent, containing three plastic balls resembling the colour sequence of the outer opaque tube. Then, the magician removes the balls from the transparent tube and covers it with the opaque tube.
He then drops the balls one after another into the nested tube according to the sequence printed on the outer tube (first the green ball then the Yellow ball & finally the red ball). After some magical gesture when he lifts the opaque tube it is seen that the red ball is at the bottom of the transparent tube instead of being at the top.
He then repeats the same action once more, but mysteriously, the result is the same. Finally, the magician drops the green ball, followed by the yellow ball, into the nested tube, but he puts the red one inside a square box (beautifully coloured in bright yellow & having two black doors). Then suddenly, he opens up both the back & the front doors of the box. Presto, the red ball completely vanishes & the box is clearly empty. It is not over yet; he finally lifts the outer opaque tube. It is seen that the red ball has returned & joined the other two balls & took the bottom position as usual within the clear tube. The magician shows the opaque tube empty.