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Intuition Key - By Pablo Amira - Instant Download


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A lock with several keys is produced in a wine glass.


The spectator tries each one, proving that only 1 opens the lock.

Using just his intuition, he is able to locate the correct key.

Completely free choice

As simple as that!

Hands off

No gimmicked locks, keys, nothing

Review by Rebecca Harris 

This is Pablo’s version of Theo Annemann’s classic effect, Seven Keys to Baldpate.

As many of you will know, Seven Keys to Baldpate's basic premise is simple.  A lock is shown to the audience along with several keys (usually seven, hence the name), the keys are each checked in the lock, and it is found that only one key can open the lock.  The keys are mixed up, and the performer can choose the correct key and successfully open the lock.

The Intuition Key sticks closely to the original script with one or two notable differences.

Pablo’s presentation is put across as a test of a volunteer’s intuition.  A lock is shown to the audience along with several keys; each key is tried in the lock, and none can open it.  The performer holds the only key that can open the lock.  This key is mixed in with the other keys before the volunteer enters a light trance.

Once in the trance state, the volunteer takes a key, allowing their subconscious to choose.  Amazingly the key fits the lock; using only their intuition, the volunteer could choose the correct key out of countless dummies.  Pablo also adds some nice symbolism to the routine, liking the lock to a problem in the volunteer’s life and the key, the solution.

What do I think?

Well, I like this effect!  There are no gimmicked locks or keys to worry about; just about any lock would be suitable.  The other thing that is nice about this routine, if it’s something that you’re particularly interested in (I’m not), is that I think it would be quite a magician fooler.  Any magician looking for the usual methods, gimmicks or switches will be left scratching their head.

The effect is very hands-off; the volunteer chooses the key, with the performer never having to touch them.

Pablo’s taken a classic of mentalism, added his touches and approached the method from a very different angle from any other version that I’ve seen before.

Deceptiveness: 8/10

A very clean, clever and logical method that would pass any layman and many mentalists completely by.

Quality: 8/10

The ebook is very nicely produced, attractive and easy to read

Teaching: 9/10

Pablo’s instruction is clear, detailed and easy to understand.  There wasn’t anything that made me think, ‘What did he mean there?’.

Value: 8/10

At what works out at around £13 for a nice routine and well-produced ebook, I’d say that this is well worth the money.

Overall 8/10

A very good effect with a good method and a nice premise.



Review by Jo Marchin

'My Wife decided to buy me this for Christmas, but she left the PDF and link details on her office Laptop and was not able to call back into the office until January, which meant I could not have a look at the routine on Christmas day! A few emails to Pablo on Christmas day sorted this, so thank you for the advice and comments you gave.
I had a small private function to work at on Boxing Day, and I put this into it. Twenty-Four hours is not a long time to practice and perform a new piece, and it is not to be recommended; I am familiar with the Seven Keys of Baldpate, and I was confident I could pull this off. I used it as the penultimate Routine just before finishing with Rick Maues 'Fate.'

This is a great routine based on The Seven Keys to Baldpate, but I think it is cleaner and much more fun. It gave me pretty much a blank canvas to stamp my personality on the routine, which for me is Important. It can be as serious as you want it to be, or you can add a bit of Comedy. I added a bit of comedy to the first part, which worked well. Then the serious business came, and it left my audience speechless.

Without doing the piece an injustice, you have a set of Keys (I had Nine) and a Padlock. The audience assistant tries all the keys in the padlock and confirms that none fit. That is because you have the real key inside your pocket! You show the audience, and you can then give it to your helper to confirm that it is indeed the only key that fits in the lock. It is then mixed up with the other keys so nobody knows where that key is. The assistant then first time manages to pick up the key that fits the lock. You can use pseudo-Hypnosis, Hypnosis or any other means to do this. I just induced a light trance, but again this is not necessary.

There are extra things to buy, such as padlocks and keys, but that is it. It is one of those routines that you can fit in your Jacket pocket and use it close up or a small stage.

I am impressed with this and I hope to be using it regularly.

Thank you, Pablo.'


Another wonder by Pablo Amirá allows a person to perform the classic Seven Keys to Baldpate without key switches, with the participant examining everything and with the participant handling EVERYTHING.
Best of all, the work is simple.
Kenton Knepper


I love "Intuition Key"!
It's a fantastic method and a delightful routine.
I've already bought the necessary props and can hardly wait to have an opportunity to present it.
I like the fact that something is going on all the time.
There's usually some dead time while the volunteer is trying the different keys in the lock, but you've covered that beautifully.
Thank you again. This is something I'll be using!
Richard Webster


I read it and love it!
Extremely easy to do and practical.
Nice also, the hypnotic tips in it.
Good job as always Pablo!
Luca Volpe