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Inside Out Card Trick by Charlie Fenn

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A full deck of cards is placed on the table. Performer hands out a sealed prediction. While the Magicians back is turned, the spectator counts off from 1-12 cards from the top of the deck without looking at the faces and hiding the faces from the performers veiw.The Magician then counts off 12 cards from the top of the remaining and arranges them like the face of a clock from 1 to 12. The performer now askes how many cards were taken. Let's say the answer is 7. The magician counts 1 to 7 on the card clock and turns over the 7th card and calls it out. Let's sat it is the King of Clubs, the Performer asks the spectator to open the prediction. Prediction says "Sorry, I am very tired today - all i can tell you is that you will not choose the 2 of diamonds" - WHAT A LET DOWN, But when the spectator looks at the cards he/she counted off, they are all 2 OF DIAMONDS! The other 11 cards in the clock are ALL 2 OF DIAMONDS. The rest of the cards in the deck are ALL 2 OF DIAMONDS - I TOLD YOU IT WAS INSIDE- OUT!! This is a very effective, very easy to do and loads of laughs.

Every Deck Has A Different Number.

Come Complete With:
1 Gimmicked Deck
3 Special Envelopes
3 Gimmick Answer Sheets
Plus all instructions