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Impromptu Prediction By Pablo Amira - INSTANT DOWNLOAD


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Do you want an impossible-looking prediction with simple objects and easy moves?

Last year Pablo Amira published the “Impromptu and Colorful Prediction” eBook and book with great response from the community.

A few performers asked me after that if I have a way to predict thoughts using just paper and pen. Impromptu Prediction 2.0 is one of my solutions.

No gimmicks (just business cards/blank cards and a pen)
Easy mechanics

PERFECT for walkaround (No Reset)
Real-world tested routine
Yes... the "Cap Subtlety" is in the eBook.

You will get two different methodologies that can be used to predict initials, numbers, cards, symbols, etc. and a LOT of great ideas and beautiful psychological and verbal finesses that you will use to create an even better performance.

If you want a routine that will explode the mind of your audience get
Impromptu Prediction 2.0