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Holy Grail of Mentalism - INSTANT DOWNLOAD


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(Any Card At Any Number And Other Reputation Making Effects)

By: STUART CASSELS (The Photo Wizard)

And: Psychological Magic Advisor JONATHAN ROYLE


Within the pages of this 55 page information-packed PDF E-Book you will learn one of the cleanest & most impressive looking (to an audience) versions of the legendary “Berglas Effect” that has ever been released to the Magic World.


Here’s what Marc Paul (Voted The Worlds Greatest Mind Reader) and a personal expert on the ACAAN plot had to say after reading this PDF…


Thanks for "The Holy Grail of Mentalism". There is some seriously good thinking here, I particularly like the section on how to create "real miracles". I have always believed that truly inexplicable mentalism is only achieved by going that extra mile; you obviously believe the same"

There are several versions and methods for achieving a near-perfect ACAAN effect (in the minds of a lay audience and in some cases even in the eyes of Magicians) explained within the pages of this manuscript and its true to say (based on dictionary definition) that absolutely no Stooges or Shills are used in any of them, indeed all who participate in the effects, will due to their clever construction be equally amazed and impressed as the watching audience.


Here’s a recent review from a user of The Magic Café relating only to “The Da Vinci Code” version of ACAAN which is the first of several methods taught within these pages.


Stewart claims his version follows all criteria for the Berglas Effect:
01) The cards are on view before the effect starts.
02) A spectator freely names any playing card. They are not a stooge and can freely choose any one of the 52 cards with no restrictions.
03) Another spectator freely names any number between 1 and 52. They are not a stooge and have a free choice, no restrictions.
04) A third person is invited to count down to the chosen number. The performer does not touch the cards.
05) The card discovered by the 3rd freely chosen spectator (no stooge) at the exact position of the number freely chosen by the second spectator is found to exactly match the playing card freely chosen by the first spectator.

In my opinion, his version follows these guidelines 95%

CARD WIZ – 21/03/09 - The Magic Café (Penny For Your Thoughts)


In truth, it’s the author and creator’s belief that performed correctly “The Da Vinci Code” method of ACAAN which he teaches meets all of these criteria 100%.


To this end consider these words from “Reality is Plastic” author Anthony Jacquin:


“This is a decent quality release. I love the effect, I am happy with the method and pleasantly surprised at the level of detail in the PDF. The effect on the audience is that they have experienced the perfect Berglas Effect”



Amongst the methods, techniques & Bonus Reputation making effects explained in clear step by step detail in this PDF are:


*The Berglas Effect – (The Da Vinci Code Approach)


*A Unique & Mind-Blowing “Out” for use in some ACAAN (and other similar effects)


*An apparently “impromptu” method of The Da Vinci Code Approach ACAAN which can genuinely use an audience members borrowed deck.


*Karrel Fox Style ACAAN – (Inspired By One Of his Tricks)


*Jonathan Royles Svengali Pitch ACAAN (As performed on many thousands of occasions during his time as a dem artiste for Marvin’s Magic)


*Stuart Cassel’s seemingly “totally impromptu” method for ACAAN.


*Two Easy ACAAN methods for use on TV & Radio Shows.


*A discussion on the True Methods Used by David Berglas?


*BONUS EFFECT 01 – “Impromptu” Signed Card Through Window.      


*BONUS EFFECT 02 – “Impromptu” Signed Card in Beer Bottle.


*BONUS EFFECT 03 – The Ultimate Borrowed – Signed – Visible – Bending & Straightening Coin Routine.


*A discussion and insight into “How to Create TRUE MIRACLES”


*Also revealed are numerous Psychological Ploys & Covert Magical & Mentalism methods & approaches which you will want to use in many other effects and routines that you perform.