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Healing Portal - By Andrew Loh - INSTANT DOWNLOAD


Availability: Instant delivery

This is an impromptu ripped and restored signed card effect. This is a flash restoration and the restored signed card can be immediately given out as a souvenir and you end clean. 

In this version, there is no extra card required, palming, etc. The restoration is very visual. The deck can be examined before and after the routine! Best of all, the spectator has a total free choice of the selection and no special setup of the deck. You end clean!

I was really pleased to read your excellent effect. I liked the effect of the tear disappearing.  

Peter Duffie

I liked your handling of Healing Portal very much.

Harvey Rosenthal

I can fully envision your handling of the T&R routine and I love the idea! Great thinking Andy, very simple and elegant solution. Great job!

Shannon Clark



TYPE: PDF 5 pages (196KB)

DELIVERY: Electronic/Instant download (worldwide)

Magic Tricks Difficulty level 1 (Basic sleights/self working)

FILE SHARING TRACKING/PROTECTION: Embedded watermark customer details.