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First Aid Box and Queeker - By David Forrest - INSTANT VIDEO DOWNLOAD


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 Learn TWO effects! Every move, every gaff, and every sleight is taught in full detail. 


Cameron Francis' 'FIRST AID BOX'
The perfect opening effect! You take out your card case and as you open it to begin your set - DISASTER! You completely destroy the box by accidentally tearing it beyond repair! Not to worry - with a gentle rub you begin to fuse the fibres of the box back together! Where it was once almost torn completely in half, it is now totally healed and as good as new. You may now hand the box out for inspection


+ Dave Forrest's 'QUEEKERS'
Originally included in Dave's smash debut DVD 'Trickery' (now sold out!), this is a KILLER effect with an ordinary deck of cards! Explaining how you cheat at cards you show four Queens but you explain that they are actually 'wild jokers' that you changed into the Queens to gain the upper hand at your last Poker match! You prove this as you cause the Queens to change back to Jokers, one at a time. Then, as you announce that the 'wild jokers' are also re-useable - all four INSTANTLY AND VISUALLY change into the FOUR ACES!