Division Book
The magician hands a spectator his laser pointer and asks them to 'slice' him in half with it. He then steps behind a blind and suddenly, his torso, with no legs attached floats on one side, and on the other side his his legs, jumping, with no torso attached!
The torso and legs float behind the blind and the magician walks out again, now fully restored!
"Division is inexpensive, a really cool idea, and very cheap to build. The end result is a really cool looking illusion that people will be sure to love. Andrew Mayne would be proud! Recommended." -Corey King, Inventor of King Rising Levitation
"Division is as simple as it is amazing! You'll slap yourself for not thinking of this!" -Aman Alhamid
- No assistants
- No thread/magnets
- Inexpensive to construct
- Looks impossible
Booklet includes step by step instructions on the construction of the gimmicks, the performance of the illusion, variations of the illusion (including a visual splitting in half), plus extra ideas from other magicians.