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Devilish Deck (Blue) by Takel

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You have a prediction in an envelope in full view at all times. You show the spectator a completely mixed deck of cards. You ask for any number from one and 52, it can be any number. Whatever the spectator chooses you count down to that card. You put that card to one side, you can show the card above and below to show they are different. You take out your prediction from the envelope and show the spectator. You then turn over their chosen card and it matches yours. This is instantly reset so you can go an perform this at your next table.

Comes with three routines.
  • The Devilish deck routine as seen in the trailer
  • Always A Match
You deal the cards one by one on the table and ask the spectator to say stop. Wherever they stop the card matches your prediction in the envelope

- Twice Foreseen (Idea suggested by Paul Gordon)

You have two decks in play. One red and one blue. You perform this as the Devilish Deck routine but the read deck card will designate the suite and the blue deck card will desiganet the number. When you turn over your prediction in the envelope it matches the card created by the two spectators.
  • Easy to do
  • Any number chosen
  • Clever principle to create some astonishing magic
  • Works all the time