Deceptus - By Jimmy Strange and The Merchant of Magic
It's time to stop thinking outside the box, and start thinking inside the can!
Deceptus is quite simply one of the best object penetration magic tricks available to magicians. You can throw common borrowed objects straight into a soda can. Rings, signed coins, lighters, and that's just the start.
The borrowed object really is inside the can!
The spectators can see their item through the drink hole, the only way to get the item out is to cut open the can!
Deceptus comes with a special gimmick that does the hard work for you. You learn multiple handlings to suit all skill levels. There is also an instant reset method where you melt the borrowed item from the can without having to cut open the can.
This is TV magic brought close up and practical, straight from the working repertoire of professional magician Jimmy Strange.
Here's a video we shot late at night in the Ruskin at the 2014 Blackpool Magic Convention. We told Alan Rorrison about Deceptus, showed him the gimmick and this is what he did with it:
Check out the guy in the pub that's reflected in the mirror behind Alan. He physically jumps back!
Warning - Not suitable for children
You will be cutting open a metal soda can, so this item is not suitable for children. It's vital that you wear suitable hand protection when handling a sharp knife and cutting open a can. We don't want anyone to hurt themselves using Deceptus! Deceptus is sold for information purposes only, and recommended for professional use, as you need to be careful and responsible when cutting open a metal can. You need to ensure the safety of your spectators and dispose of the can correctly at the end of the performance.
'I fricking Love this thing!'
Alan Rorrison - Consultant to Troy and Dynamo
Dynamo Performs Deceptus
Questions and Answers about Deceptus
The can needs to be open and empty. It's not possible to put an object inside it when full and sealed using Deceptus, although once you start playing with it, you might get ideas for adapting it to do something similar. Dominic Reyes is playing with that idea at the moment. (If it gets realised, he may send it out as a PDF free later, together with other users ideas etc) As it stands, it's better to just show the can, let them hold it, whilst you borrow an object from someone, then slam the object inside. Perhaps take the can back off them, and ask them to place the object on their outstretched hand. Bring the can down onto their hand and penetrate the object into the can.
Can you drink from the can at the start of the performance?
Ben does cover how he likes to be drinking from the can as he approaches a group, drains the last drop and uses the can for his opener. Chris Webb suggests having the can on the floor or planting it near a bin, pick it up and pour our a little soda to empty it, before using the can. See the included DVD for details.
Can the can be inspected before and after the trick?
When Jimmy Strange performs Deceptus he lets them handle the can at the start, then hands it to them to check that the object really is inside. This sort of controlled inspection works perfectly. He then cuts the can open himself for health and safety. We don't recommend that you give them the cut open can afterwards as a cut can isn't safe for them to play with. They are getting a very close look at it as you cut it open. Ben Williams goes into great detail about 'over proving' and how to avoid that.
Can I use any type of soda can?
The included gimmick works with most popular cans worldwide, However, some soda cans may not be suitable. We use Pepsi cans in the UK and US to perform Deceptus. Most cans are of uniform design, so it takes seconds to test out a few of your favourite soda drinks to find the one you like best.
How should I present Deceptus?
Let them play with the soda can at the start, do a penetration, show the can, as you are showing that their object really is inside (it is) and then carefully cut the item out. End of trick. More than that would be anti-climactic.
Is Deceptus safe, easy to set up, and prepare?
Prep is just a couple of minutes per can. Super easy. You will be cutting open a metal can, so this item is not suitable for children. It's vital that you wear suitable hand protection when handling a sharp knife and cutting open the can. Deceptus is sold for information purposes only, and recommended for professional use, as you need to be careful and responsible when cutting open a metal can. You need to ensure the safety of your spectators and dispose of the can correctly at the end of the performance.
Can you reuse the can?
You could reuse it, and Ben Williams covers how to do that on the DVD. The gimmick is designed to be used over and over again. We suggest you use the opportunity and cut the item out. It freaks them out and cans are cheap. If you need more, the event bar will probably have them. You can quickly prep more in the events green room, or a quite corner.
Feedback about Deceptus
Fantastic piece of magic invention. I do not normally give an opinion but this is pure genius - Steve Prescott
'This is great! The gimmick is perfect. DVD is very well produced and Ben teaches so many great handlings and tips.... all round, a great product. Awesome little addition for anyone who likes organic can/drinks magic. Nice work. Exactly what it says on the....can.' - Magic Mark