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Click! by Valdemar Gestur - VIDEO DOWNLOAD OR STREAM


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It's not there, and then it is. Click. So silky smooth and beautiful, this extraordinary new move is as versatile as it is visual. And it's all yours. "Click" is simple in effect. A pack of cards wrapped with a rubber hand is show fairly. By simply snapping the band against the pack (Click) a selected card appears face up BENEATH THE RUBBER BAND. Watch the trailer...the move happens in less than instant, and it looks...well, perfect.

Taught by Patrick Kun and created by Valdemar Gestur, the move requires only basic card handling ability, though getting the movements down takes some knack. It took us an hour of fiddling before it started to look really good. But once you've got it, you've got it forever, and it makes the perfect finale to any pick-a-card routine or banded card routine.

Running time: 12 minutes, 47 seconds.
This product is a streaming online video.