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Cardio - By Liam Montier - EBOOK INSTANT DOWNLOAD


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"Liam Montier`s `Cardio` is an absolute must buy. Very clever card routining with a fresh innovative approach. Magic with intellect and a darn good read".- George McBride


Cardio is Liam’s first full-out collection of regular card material, and it features seven pieces that fully represent his approach to card magic.  This is practical, easy and astonishing material, performable in most (if not all) situations and bound to knock your spectators reeling.


Ebook Contents include…

The Other Thing - A sudden and unexpected production of all four Kings, inspired by Richard Sanders and Cameron Francis that will leave your spectators astonished.  They come from everywhere but the deck!

Pop Hoff - Give your version of the Hofzinser Ace Problem a visual twist and surprise ending that they will never see coming!  This uses some rarely seen moves that’ll make you wonder why they are rarely seen!

Backhand Slap - The old ‘Slap Revelation’ turbo charged!  Cause a spectators card to appear face up in their own hand impossibly, and then blow them away with the ultimate climax.  No one will play cards with you again!

The Swing of Things - Direct, simple and straight forward, this is a lot of trick for VERY little work.  Overlook it at your own peril!  Show how a pendulum really can reveal secret information, even quickly!

Twisted - Twisting the Aces gets just what it has always wanted – a super strong ending.  This routine is very direct and efficient, and the ending is totally unexpected.

Scam Royale - Collectors just got weird!  Four of a kind trap three cards that ALL match a selection.  Hang on, that can’t be right… it is about time someone starting playing it straight around here!

Reality Burp - A bizarre demonstration of hypnosis that leads to a shocking ‘odd-quantity’ transposition kicker from the cunning beer drinker that is Dave Forrest!

But don’t take our word for it, check out what everyone is saying about “Cardio”




“Cardio contains seven excellent card routines. Three of the main criteria that Liam set out to meet are: Simplicity, Clarity and Practicality, and Liam succeeds with all three. This is Liam's first 'all-cards' Ebook. I am most impressed, and I look forward to his next one.”   - Peter Duffie

"Liam has selected some great, little-known plots and given them simple, direct handlings to create an excellent collection of card magic." - Andi Gladwin

“Liam is without doubt one of the finest creators of innovative close-up magic that I know and ‘Cardio’ only serves as further proof of this.” - Dave Forrest

“Man, I read through Cardio and there is some KILLER stuff in here!  Proper, strong practical regular card stuff.  Good work!” - Alan Rorrison