Card Addict - By Peter Duffie - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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KICK-START ACES: A spectator locates the four Aces in your deck (without looking!).
SWEET SIXTEEN: You show the four Fours which you point out total 16. You turn one face up. The face up four splits into two Twos. This leaves two face down cards. Question: "If the cards total 16, what should the remaining two face down cards total?" The audience reply, "Twelve?" "That's right," you say. "Well, actually it's two twelves!" you say, as you snap them over revealing two red Queens.
SIX CARD INTERLUDE: A trick to intrigue using any six cards.
MAGICAL MIXTURE: A well shuffled coincidence followed by a magical teleportation.
BYPASS: A discovery of two chosen cards, one appearing in your pocket.
HALLOWEEN LOCATION: This is a presentation for a location using the "Automatic Placement."
FACT OR FICTION?: My latest approach to the Gardner Lie Detector plot. This is based on Robert Neale's "Cal the Incalculable." See "Heaps of Lies" later in this booklet for another approach to the plot.
MIRACLE OR IMPOSSIBLE AGAIN!: This is a variation on Arun Bonerjee's "Miracle or Impossible" that appeared in The Billet, no.348, July/Aug 2000. There is an old mathematical location disguised by the spelling here.
MAKE MINE A DOUBLE: A simple matching effect where a spectator picks a card for you and a card for himself. Both cards match in colour and value.
FAT CHANCE: A simple card trick inspired by Tom Sellers' classic plot.
THE BROWN DETECTIVE: Based on "The Detective Card Trick" (The Card Magic of Edward G. Brown by Trevor Hall, 1973). Professor Sidney Lawrence also published a very similar trick in Ten Self Working Master Effects (undated manuscript).
TOTALIZATOR: Two spectators each freely select a card. You immediately produce two cards that have the same total.
THE MENTAL PACK: A deck of cards reveals a number that a spectator is thinking of then his selected card appears magically.
SUIT CARRIER: You lay the four Aces on the table. A spectator selects a card which is placed to one side. He now takes the Aces. You ask him to spell CLUBS, which he does by shifting cards from top to bottom as he spells. He then deals the top Ace face up onto the table and it's the Ace of Clubs, to which you say, "I don't think your card is a club." This is repeated with Hearts and Spades. He is left holding the Ace of Diamonds. You state that his card must be a Diamond. He agrees. You now turn over his card revealing it has changed into the Ace of Diamonds. The card he is holding is now his selected card.
HOUR MAGIC!: A spectator locates his selected card using his magic hour.
INNOCENT CONFUSION: A handling variation of Roy Walton's "Confusion of the Innocents" (Genii, Sept 2000).
WORD COUNT: A selected card is found in the deck by spelling out a regular sequence of numbers. There are two versions included here.
RITUAL ABUSE: This, and the following two effects were inspired by Marty Kane's recent positional retention work (Status Quo Principles 1 & 2 - see 21 Card Tricks for further ideas). Both J. K. Hartman and Phil Goldstein have previously published effects based on these principles dating back to the 1980s. Marty has independently analysed these principles and formulated them for various sized packets and different procedures. This first effect is a card divination/prediction.
STRAIGHT QUALITY POKER: A spectator mixes a packet of 11 cards then produces three matching pairs. The five remaining cards form a royal flush!
HEAPS OF LIES: Our final visit to positional retention is a version of the familiar Gardner "Lie Detector" plot. This time a Deal Mix is used instead of the Under/down (Status Quo Principle 2).
BLACKJACKED: A production of perfect blackjack hands from a shuffled packet.
TYPE: PDF E-Book Instant Download 35 pages (569KB)
DELIVERY: Electronic/Instant download(worldwide)