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"Ed Marlo's wonderful touch
applied to the classic HALLUCINATION plot...
originally apearing in Ben Harris' New Directions Magazine..."
Here is a treat for serious card lovers. A gimmicked version of the amazing HALLUCINATION PLOT along with 5 FURTHER NON-GIMMICKED handlings. Ed was always thorough, and here it shows in style!
In effect, three spectators each look at the top card of the deck, one at a time. The performer comments about how people often have problems recalling details, and how various descriptions of the SAME EVENT can vary dramatically. He offers to prove his point.
Climax 1: The spectators each name their cards and they are ALL DIFFERENT!
Climax 2: Without any moves the top card is flipped over, IT IS A JOKER!
Climax 3: Without any moves, the three cards are withdrawn from the performer's pockets!
Based on an effect from Jinx #1 (1934), Ed reworked the Eddie Cleaver concept eliminating the "second deal" and "palm". Ed's wonderful gimmicked and non-gimmicked versions originally appeared in New Directions Magazine in 1985. The handlings were spread over several issues, and the distribution was only in the low hundreds.
It is an absolute pleasure to bring all the handlings together under one cover and to present them to a broader and modern audience. The language of the era is preserved, and Ed's famous attention to detail is evident throughout.
TYPE: PDF 20 pages (1.1MB)
DELIVERY: Electronic/Instant download (worldwide)
Magic Tricks Difficulty level 1 (Basic sleights/self working)
FILE SHARING TRACKING/PROTECTION: Embedded watermark customer details.