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4e Illusion Design (Book)



Written & Illustrated by Mark Parker with Contributions by David Mendoza & Tony Clark.

This is the first time since the Paul Osborne books (also available), that David Mendoza has contributed his thoughts and ideas!

This book features seven original illusions fully explained, You also get illusion sketches, two unique illusions for TV & Film, thoughts on illusion and more. There is a contribution by David Mendoza and an excellent essay to improve your act by Tony Clark.

Book is 122 pages with detailed routines & beautiful illustrations in full-color throughout the book. A first for Illusion Books. The price also includes full performance rights. This is an absolute must for any Modern Illusionist.

"I just got the book and reading through it - wonderful! It's an awesome book with real working ideas in glorious full-color. I just can't put it down - Steve Zigmont - Zigmont Magic FX.