HEAT - The Hot Hands Miracle + Bonus Ideas ebook
Hot Heat: A small ball of tin foil becomes red hot in the spectators hand!
Sympathetic Heat :
The magician takes some tin foil and rolls it into two small balls. He gives one to the spectator to hold. He then holds the remaining ball with some tweezers and places it in the flame of a candle to heat up. The ball held in the hand of the spectator will also heat up, as if the heat from the magicians ball transfers to the spectator’s ball!
Voodoo Heat :
This performance is very simple, perform the routine as taught but ask a second spectator to hold out their hand palm down. Hold a lighter about 10 inches beneath their hand and light it. Tell the first spectator (the spectator holding the foil) that they will feel the heat from the flame and the second spectator with the lighter underneath their palm will feel nothing.
Hot Spot – Sex Test :
This is the preferred routine of the creator – Carl De Rome. Ask the spectator whether they have ever taken the ‘Sex Test’. This usually gets a good laugh, although it tends to get a better reaction from a group of women rather than a group of men! Proceed with the method we teach you, as usual and as you hand the balled up tin foil to the spectator ask them to imagine what it feels like to have really good sex. Naturally the foil will heat up and the spectator will begin to laugh, until it gets too hot of course, in which case you can tell them they must have a very vivid imagination! Performed with a cheeky smile and not with a perverse, drooling leer this can be a very funny routine!
Also included :
Bottle of special solution
Full handling instructions
Great routines covering handlings for Close-up Magic, Bizarre Performances, Comedy Magic, Cabaret and Stage Shows
The bottled HEAT solution should LAST HUNDREDS OF PERFORMANCES, roughly one bottle may last the average magician ONE YEAR.
Sold to over 18s only.
It's going into my new show' - Luke Jermay