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£3.99| /200 Politically Correct One-Liner Jokes for Magicians by Wolfgang Riebe eBook - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
The world has changed - radically! Being an entertainer and telling jokes has gone from 'having fun' with the audience to complaints about every p...
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£7.49| /Sky Vanish by Sultan Orazaly - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
The perfect visual card vanish! There are numerous classic card effects involving a card vanish. There's only one thing missing - a perfect visua...
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£8.99| /Virtual 5 Cards Match - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
A virtual coincidence with nothing but 5 cards! Virtual five cards match is a new solution to a powerful remote coincidence. The spectator takes o...
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£4.99| /Instantaneous Hypnotic Test Revealed by Devin Knight eBook
You don't have to be a real hypnotist to do this effect! Any magician or mentalist can apparently hypnotize anyone 100% of the time, even hardened ...
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£11.99| /Master Course Cups and Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl - VIDEO DOWNLOAD OR STREAM
The Cups & Balls always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.N...
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£5.49| /Hypno-Tricks by Jonathan Royle - Ebook
(A Complete Course in Pseudo Hypnosis & Fake Hypnotism) The term "Hypno-Tricks" is often used to describe so called fake or pseudo hypnotic sty...
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£11.99| /Tri Section Illusion Plans - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
You show a small cabinet on wheels and open the front doors. Your assistant is placed into the cabinet which is only just big enough to house her....
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£13.99| /Spikes Alive Illusion Plans - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
The magician shows a large box sitting upon a thin table and revolves it. It has a front and back door and a lid. The magician's assistant now h...
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£27.99| /Diception - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Diception is a quick and EASY way to force 1, 2... even more than 4 dice, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that the force will work. Use one, two, three, ...
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£5.99| /Hidden Eye by David Luu video - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
A great mindreading effect -- a mentalist's dream COME TRUE! NO expensive devices. Perform anytime, anywhere. You place several objects on the tabl...
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£11.99| /Torn And Restored Newspaper - Worlds Greatest Magic - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
A "tear-able" collection featuring one of the greatest tricks in magic! Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in o...
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£11.99| /Slydini Knotted Silks Magic - Worlds Greatest Magic - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
When asked to name his favorite trick from the many classic routines he created, Slydini would always say, "The silks." This trick, now known throu...
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£61.99| /Royal Road To Card Magic by R. Paul Wilson video - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
A COMPLETE COURSE IN CARD MAGICIf you are If you are seriously interested in learning card magic, there is no better place to start than The Royal ...
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£26.99| /Cups & Balls Michael Ammar - #1 video - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
The video format is absolutely perfect for learning the Cups & Balls. Get to the move you're looking for with just a simple click, advance or...
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£11.99| /Rock Paper Lies Plus - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
A classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game... gone mental! Jay Di's propless mentalism masterpiece just got better. Rock Paper Lies Plus features new ide...
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£1.99| /42 Easy Magic Tricks by Wolfgang Riebe eBook - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
42 EASY-TO-DO MAGIC TRICKS! Easy to do, with everyday items you can find around the home. Great for everyone, from children to business people. Tri...
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£51.99| /Elman's Biggest Secret Revealed and Other Cool Pseudo Hypnotic Techniques eBook - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
The Late Dave Elman is a true legend in the world of hypnotherapy. Interestingly, he was also a comedy stage hypnotist for many years. Within his b...
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£2.49| /100 Heckler Stoppers by Wolfgang Riebe eBook - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Are you a speaker, entertainer, comedian, magician, or singer? At some point in your career, someone may shout out a comment or make an inappropria...
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£6.99| /Back to Hand by Bacon Fire - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
"This effect fooled me so badly! And the method too, Bacon is on fire!"- Dr. Cyril Thomas A visual rubber band opening you've like you have never ...
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£184.99| /True Astonishments Box Set by Paul Harris
PAUL HARRIS PRESENTSTRUE ASTONISHMENTSDOWNLOAD EDITIONImagine that thrill when you were a kid and got your first bike, your first dog, your first c...
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£15.49| /Fringe Mentalism by David Alnwick presented by Ken Dyne - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
There's a reason you haven't heard of David Alnwick. He's been working. For the last ten years he's been performing sell-out shows at the Edinburgh...
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£7.49| /Sand Deck by Marting Braessas - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
From The mind of Martin Braessas comes Sand Deck. You will be able to produce a whole deck of cards from a single card! If you are looking for your...
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£7.49| /Rope with Hole 2.0 by Dingding
An impossible penetration effect!Show a playing card with three holes punched through it. You tie a string through the hole on the end. It instantl...
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£8.99| /Dice Through Card - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
This is a super visual effect with an extremely clever gimmick. One dice passes through the selected card without any excess moves!Download the vid...
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