Give Em The Business - Cameron Francis - Instant Download
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Five tricks with business cards
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"Top quality workable magic from Cameron. Simply brilliant." -- Lee Smith
"Cameron's new download is a killer collection of business card shenanigans!" -- Liam Montier
"Another Merger is fantastic! So devious, easy to do and visual! Coin in ID is the most organic version of this effect and is sure to leave a memorable souvenir!" -- Raphael Czaja
"If you are a professional magician who does any form of close-up magic, there is at least one of these effects you WILL add to your repertoire and it will leave your spectators with your business card as a souvenir of the magic that they WILL keep, not leave on the table or toss in the trash!
I have watched all the videos and I can tell you I will be trying out "This One!", "Coin in I.D." and "Visto Printo" for sure and probably "Another Merger" down the line as well.
I know there are a lot of exclamation marks in this posting but they are all deserved I can assure you. This may be the best value in a magic realted purchase I have made all year" -- Hank Morfin
"I think with all this info with this deal I feel like I ripped you off. This
price for all the knowledge is nuts!! My clients are going to freak once I get these
down packed and I think I have Another Merger down and going to give it a go today.
Have a great weekend Cameron!!" -- M. Knight
Get ready for five high octane, visual business card effects!
From the introduction:
"As magicians, we all love giveaways: signed cards, signed matchbooks, signed coins. Or, if you're Rune Klan, signed bologna. I think most of us would have to agree, though, that the best giveaway of all is a business card. And if you are able to magically alter the card before handing it out, well, all the better. It makes the card that much more special; a conversation piece for the spectator. And there's no better publicity than great word of mouth."
Another Merger -- A two signatures and two holes magically merge onto one business card! This is a revamped handling of Cameron's popular "Merger" effect from Dave Forrest's Project Zero DVD set.
This One! -- A self-working mental stunner where the magician correctly predicts which two business cards the spectator will count down to.
Between -- A worker's DREAM! One of Cameron's most performed effects. A signed, folded card appears between two business cards.
Coin In I.D. -- A selected coin penetrates the plastic of a laminated business card. The perfect giveaway!
Visto Printo -- A favorite among some of the best minds in magic. Inspired by Daryl's classic Presto Printo effect. The spectator's signature jumps onto several business cards and is then twisted, shoved and burst into tiny pieces. The best part is that everything is examinable and the spectator can keep all of the cards! You will love this!
Give 'em The Business are five mp4 videos which can be viewed online and/or downloaded onto your computer.