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Paradigm Shift Coin Magic- By Leon Deo Scott - Instant Video Download


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Perfect impromptu magic you can do

with just a regular coin!

Leon Deo Scott teaches you his 'one coin flourish routine' Paradigm Shift
Expert tuition on the Retention of Vision Vanish, its applications and variations.
Topics covered include:
Finger Palm and Production
Deo Scott Retention V1
Palm Shift Subtlety
Deo Scott Retention V2
Deo Scott Retention V3
Deo Scott Retention V4
Accelerated Finger Retention
Retention Recap
Protect Retention
Coin Thru Hand
Coin Spin Concealment
Palm Spin
Silver Surfer
Fabric Production
Coin Thru Pocket
Plus all the details, tips and advice to help you master this very quickly with your own coins.