Tunnel Vision - By David Forrest - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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The main Tunnel Vision routine is a professional performance piece where four Jokers change one by one into Aces as they are pushed through the deck. This engaging routine builds to an impossible climax whereby the spectators actually witness the last Joker change as it travels through the pack.
But, that's not all. Also included are two more full routines - Tunnel Transpo and Vision Correction - that are made possible by the Tunnel Vision gimmicks.
"Such a nice gimmick. I love Tunnel Transpo – you’re so far ahead you’re in another zip code!" - David Regal
"Nice! Terrific gimmick!" - Cameron Francis
"What a visual little gem and a stunning little gimmick. It's kinda like the organic WOW that we have all been waiting for!" - Alan Rorrison"This looks great. The final phase - with gimmick - is the real killer. The construction of the gimmick is devious!" - Peter Duffie
"Lovely. Great effect. Love the way you present the product itself. I guess it's like a self-contained website. Brilliant!" - Ben Harris
Vision Correction: You place a red backed prediction card on the table. You turn cards face up until a spectator says stop. When the stopped at card is compared to your prediction it is seen that they do not match - the effect has gone terribly wrong! So, you have the spectator sign the back of your red prediction card and you proceed to push it through the deck. As it emerges it is seen to change into a perfect match for the random card that the spectator stopped you on.
The Tunnel Vision gimmicks have been tweaked and simplified over the years to the point they are at today. You don't need to be 'crafty' and you won't need any obscure materials - the gimmicks are easily made in a few minutes from household items - there's absolutely nothing to it.