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Accidental Sandwich by Nicholas Uusitalo - INSTANT DOWNLOAD


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Was it an accident? Or was it magic...


Show two jacks to your spectator and explain they will find his chosen card. 

He chooses any card from the deck. The card is then signed and lost into the centre of the pack.

You shake the two jacks above the pack, and something incredible happens. One card appears in between the two jacks. Unfortunately, the card sandwiched between the two jacks is wrong.

You then place the two jacks and the sandwiched card to the side. You then explain that you will try again with the two kings instead. You take out the two kings and start shaking them. Once again, one card appears in between the two kings.

The card is shown, and once again, it's the wrong card. But wait! It's the same card between the two jacks! Get the spectator to look at what card is between the two jacks. And yes! It's the selected card.