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Encore Performance by Roger Klause - DVD-sale

Original price £35.99
Current price £17.49


After the initial success of Roger Klause's In Concert program he agreed to release more of his favorite routines and techniques. Once again his attention to detail will walk you through some well thought-out and constructed routines that you can incorporate into your performances. This is your chance to have an intimate teach-in with one of the most secretive men in magic who is tipping his guarded methods.

Routines performed and explained:
  • Full Value: A borrowed dollar bill is folded and a half dollar is poured out of it. The bill is folded again and a second coin magically appears from inside it.

  • Anytime Aces: As you deal cards to the table in pairs the spectator stops you at anytime. The four cards you are stopped at are shown to be the four aces.

  • Triple Play: A clean coins across routine using three coins where the last coin appears in the spectator's hand.

  • Ringmaster: A routined Himber Ring routine where three borrowed finger rings are linked and unlinked.

  • The Name Is The Same: Two borrowed and signed dollar bills visually change places.

  • Chinese Quartet: Roger's beautiful and classy Linking Ring routine using four rings that are linked and unlinked while reciting a descriptive poem.
Techniques and subtleties taught: The No-Count Zarrow, Invisi-Bill, Breakout Display, The Automatic Block Transfer, The R.O.V. Spider Vanish, and more.

Special DVD Features:
- Instant access to performances, explanations and techniques
- DVD trailers
- Dolby Digital sound
- Encoded for worldwide viewing

You will learn powerful close-up magic with cards, coins, finger rings, bills and linking rings.

Running Time Approximately 85min