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Portable Ink (DVD and Gimmick) by Takel and Titanas Magic - DVD

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Make the ink from a sharpie pen come to life

Portable ink is easy to perform. You simply draw a black spot on the back of a signed bicycle playing card and then, by magic, command the spot to visually move all by itself, right across the bicycle playing card. Your fingers are nowhere near the spot when it moves, and visibly slides right over the surface of the playing card.

The reason this hits spectators to hard, is that it's visually stunning and you can leave your hands and the bicycle playing card totally motionless as the black spot magicially glides from one side of the playing card to the other. It super simple to do, and takes only moments to reset. Best of all , you can even give them the signed bicycle playing card to keep after each performance.

No need for magnets or complex mechanics. This works each and every time, in all conditions.

Takes seconds to perform and perfect for walk-around close up magic conditions.

  • No Magnets
  • Instant Reset
  • Very Easy To Do!

Comes with a full instructional DVD and the special gimmick that does the hard work for you.